The SYRIUS Programme

SYnergies Régénératives IndUstrielles Sud

(Southern Industrial Regenerative Synergies)

A collective dynamic for
the decarbonisation of industry

At the heart of the ecologic transition and the fight against climate change, SYRIUS is a collective dynamic bringing together the main manufacturers, logistics hubs and economic players of the industrial-port area of Marseille-Fos.

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To accelerate industrial decarbonisation to sustainably reconcile the economy, environmental challenges and quality of life. For SYRIUS stakeholders, industry transformation represents the opportunity to become a pioneering territory for decarbonisation in Europe, while promoting innovation, job creation and economic renewal.


SYRIUS mobilises, brings together and supports the major industrial players in the territory to co-create intersectoral decarbonisation roadmaps, identify structuring projects and optimise their implementation.


SYRIUS aims to:
  • Accelerate industrial decarbonisation to achieve an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050
  • Promote the emergence of new industrial sectors (CO2 hub, Hydrogen hub, sustainable fuels, renewable energies, etc.)
  • Develop new key infrastructures to support the transformation of the industrial-airport-port area

Between challenges & opportunities

Accelerating the ecological and energy transition

The stakeholders involved in SYRIUS aim to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to move toward carbon neutrality by focusing on:

  • Optimising material and energy flows

  • Pooling studies, solutions and projects

  •  Integrating innovative practices and projects

  •  Diversifying the energy mix

  • Transforming of processes


A strategic industrial and port territory with very high issues

SYRIUS is implemented in an industrial and port territory which is at the heart of major environmental, economic and societal challenges. The transformation of its industrial port area represents a strong lever for development and appeal that is not only necessary but beneficial for everyone.

SYRIUS, a collective dynamic

Acting together to decarbonise the industrial Port Area through a major collective and strategic approach for a sustainable future

SYRIUS is a large-scale initiative born of a collective and intersectoral approach, led by PIICTO and its coordination partners: Capenergies, Novachim, the Port of Marseille-Fos, the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis and the Southern Region. This dynamic mobilises the main emitting sectors of the territory (steel, chemical, petrochemical, refining, logistics, aeronautics, cement, waste treatment, etc.).

THE PIICTO ASSOCIATION coordinates this programme

with expert partners

the Port of Marseille-Fos

and public authorities

A global approach to achieve and to improve attractiveness, resilience and competitivness

A programme organised on an ambitious schedule...

To collectively create a local low carbon strategy by 2025, essential for combating global warming and adapting to climate change.


…. Subscribing to a long-term dynamic

From 2025, the second phase of the SYRIUS Programme will aim to support the operational implementation of decarbonisation through practical synergies between manufacturers in the territory, the positioning of appropriate financing windows, undertaking additional studies and scheduling major investments.


Our mission: to achieve the objectives collectively defined through the intersectoral decarbonisation roadmaps.

...Based on 5 main topics

SYRIUS is covering five priority issues in its short and ambitious first two-year phase (2023 – 2025):